Re-Energise is a fast working high energy supplement for in-lamb ewes, suffering from, or expected to be at risk of severe energy deficiencies (Twin Lamb Disease) during pregnancy, restoring their nutritional balance.
An original tried and tested Osmonds product.
Contains Triple Glycol, Glycerine & Vetoxan®.
Provides a high level of essential energy which aids the treatment of pregnancy toxaemia.
Rapidly increases blood glucose levels.
The glycerine/emulsified fats give instant energy.
Helps prevent a recurrence, and allows the ewe's metabolism to resume normal working function.
Contains Vetoxan Bio-Probiotic to enhance the digestive system.
Easy to administer in a single ewe dosing bottle, no need to measure out.
Contains Vetoxan® to improve digestion of normal feeding during this period.
Feeding Instructions
Shake well before use, feed one 100ml bottle to each ewe at the first signs of Twin Lamb Disease; i.e. irrational behaviour, wandering, holding back from feed. Repeat if necessary.