Understanding the Finishing Process

Finishing lambs refers to the final stage of their growth cycle, when they are fed to reach their target market weight and achieve required carcass characteristics. These goals should be part of a management plan of who will be buying the lambs and how do I need to market them, alongside when do they need to be ready and what weight/classification is required.

This phase typically occurs when lambs are between 90 to 150 days old, depending on various factors such as breed, genetics and feeding programme.

Key Factors Influencing Lamb Finishing

When to Wean – Lambs should be weaned between 12-14 weeks and should be determined by ewe body condition, growth rates and feed availability/quality. A target growth rate of more than 250g per day should be achieved for lambs up to 8 weeks. With so many variable factors affecting growth rates each year, weaning dates should be altered accordingly.

Target Growth Rates – Target rates will be dependent on management systems and lambs should be split according to weight for relevant feed consumption. Target finishing weights must be determined in order to manage target growth rates.

Feed Planning – Establishing how much feed is needed and also how much is available will help improve production efficiency. Where forage is available and in what quantities will drive decisions on where lamb groups will graze and also whether lambs are kept or sold as stores.

Nutrition - Providing a well-balanced diet rich in energy and protein is crucial for optimal lamb growth and muscle development during the finishing period. High-quality forages can be supplemented with grains, protein sources and a quality supplement to help support rapid and efficient weight gain. Drenching with a high-quality ultra-concentrated Supplement, Osmonds Oviboost is a great solution for a targeted nutritional boost. 

Diet Management - Implementing a feeding regime tailored to the specific nutritional requirements of lambs is essential. Gradually increasing the energy density of the diet as lambs approach market weight helps prevent digestive issues and ensures uniform growth. All natural, Amino Acid-rich, Osmonds Muscle Paste with Selenium & Vitamin E can help where additional muscle development is required.

Monitoring Weight Gain - Regularly monitoring lamb weights allows for timely adjustments to feeding strategies and ensures that lambs are on track to meet market specifications. Aim for steady, consistent weight gain to produce well-finished lambs with desirable fat cover and muscle development, ready for sale and meat. If growth is slower than predicted this may be due to Trace Element & Mineral deficiencies which could be corrected by the use of Osmonds range of drenches.

Health Management - Ensuring lambs are free from diseases and parasites is critical for maximising growth potential during the finishing phase. Implementing effective quarantine measures for store lambs and internal and external parasite control measures helps maintain lamb health and minimise losses.

Lameness reduces lamb growth rate and thus extends finishing times. Hooves should be cleaned and foot-bathed regularly with farm-trialled and tested, Osmonds Hoof Rite Eco along with a hoof solution applied directly - Osmonds Hoof-Rite Plus Spray or Osmonds Hoof-Rite Plus Paste to deal with issues before costly treatment ensues.

If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to call our office on 01948 668100, email [email protected] or visit our website to view our full range for Livestock.

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